JUMP TOModelz APIdeploymentGet the server resources.getList the deployments.getCreate the deployment.postGet the deployment.getUpdate the deployment.putRemove the deployment.deleteGet the deployment guide.getList the instances for the given inference deployment.gettemplateList the public template.getList the user template.getagent_tokenList agent tokens by useridgetCreate agent tokenputlogGet the deployment log.getmetricGet the deployment replicas metrics.getGet the deployment inflight requests metrics.getGet deployment instance metrics CPU usagegetGet deployment instance metrics disk readgetGet deployment instance metrics disk writegetGet deployment instance metrics GPU memory usagegetGet deployment instance metrics GPU memory utilizationgetGet deployment instance metrics GPU utilizationgetGet deployment instance metrics Memory usagegetGet deployment instance metrics network readgetGet deployment instance metrics network writegetGet the deployment replicas metrics.getGet the deployment total requests metrics.geteventsGet events by deployment id and user idgetGet events by user idgetsecretsList secretsgetCreate secretpostGet secretgetRemove secretdeletePowered by List the user template.get https://cloud.modelz.ai/api/v1/users/{login_name}/templatesList the user template.